Bhagavad Gita -Sivananda 144

Bhagavad Gita -Swami Sivananda


Summary of Sixth Discourse


Arjuna wishes to know the fate of the aspirant who fails to realise the Supreme in spite of his faith and sincerity. Krishna tells him that the accumulated power of his Yogic practices will assure him a better birth in the future, with more favourable conditions for Sadhana. The aspirant will then be compelled to carry on his Yogic practices with greater vigour and faith and will finally achieve God-realisation.

Krishna concludes that the Yogi—one who has attained union with the Supreme Lord—is superior to the ascetics, to the men of book knowledge and the men of action, as the latter have not transcended ignorance and merged in the Self.

Sri Bhagavaan Uvaacha

Anaashritah karmaphalam kaaryam karma karoti yah;
Sa sannyaasi cha yogee cha na niragnirna chaakriyah.

The Blessed Lord said

1. He who performs his bounden duty without depending on the fruits of his actions—he is a
Sannyasin and a Yogi, not he who is without fire and without action.


References and Context