Bhagavad Gita -Madhvacharya 96

Bhagavad Gita -Sri Madhvacharya

(Bhashya and Tatparya Nirnaya)


Chapter 3
Karma Yoga

3. The Resplendent Lord said: In this world two-fold means ban been Spoken by Me earlier; O Arjuna; for the men of contemplation through the means of Wisdom and for the men of action through performance of Action.
Bhashya :- Even though wisdom is superior, because of (Arjuna) being qualified to action alone. Hence action is being recommended for him. With this intention the Resplendent One speaks, 'In this world' etc. There exist two types of men - those who renounce the ordained actions for family life and abide solely in wisdom like Sanaka, referred as saankhyaanaam or those who though live the temporal life, yet abide in wisdom like Janaka, referred as yoginaam. The meaning is that both abide in Righteousness. „Sankhyaanaam‟ means those men of wisdom like Sanaka and the rest „Yoginaam' means those who resort to the performance of action like Janaka and the rest. Even though they ever abide in wisdom, being eligible (for Action) those who persevere in performance of action for the maintenance of the world order, as willed by the Lord, they are also referred as „Yogis', men of equanimity. You are eligible to perform the auspicious actions like Janaka and the rest, not for renunciation like Sanaka and the rest. This is the purport. It is observed that by the will of the Lord by the performance of action Priyavrata and the rest have become men of Wisdom. Therefore it is said - 'By Will of the Lord, authority flows for performance of actions' Thus in Bhagavat Puraana V.1.23.

