Bhagavad Gita -Madhvacharya 258

Bhagavad Gita -Sri Madhvacharya

(Bhashya and Tatparya Nirnaya)


Chapter 11
Vishvarupadarshana Yoga

Therefore, of pure form - such adjective there can be never any difference between the essence and the form, showing non-separation between the two. Similarly, even as in the case of performance of action, strength of the essence and wisdom never come to be experienced as separate from the essence itself. Such non-distinction, however, is seen as separate or distinct only when it is perceived in the gross physical bodies. Even if distinction is experienced in the essence as two-fold, then it is largely due to one's imagination, due to the defect caused by one's close association. In the non-sentient objects there is neither distinction nor any non-distinction. The experience of distinction and nondistinction therein does not come about when one conceptualizes, because there is separation between essence and the form. In the case of the sentient, however, even though there is awareness of being non-distinct, there arise multitude of experiences of distinction between self and the form (like pots and pans). The yarn in the cloth appear as non-distinct from the cloth and between them each one is different from the other. How does there being distinction in the yarn, the non-distinction in the cloth comes about? Here even though the self has many distinct forms of essence, these distinct forms are not comparable with yam, because the separate identity of yarns will continue to exist as distinctive.

