Bhagavad Gita -Madhvacharya 241

Bhagavad Gita -Sri Madhvacharya

(Bhashya and Tatparya Nirnaya)


Chapter 10
Vibhuti Yoga

Tatparya Nirnaya :- Intelligence being enshrined in wisdom, the inner consciousness is also known as intelligence”, thus in Shabda Nirnaya. 6 - 7. The seven Seers in earlier ages and also the four Manus were born of My mental impulse and from them were these creatures were born in the world. Among these, he who knows the splendour and Equanimity of Mine in its essence, he will with unfailing equanimity be united with Me. Of this, there is no doubt.
Bhashya :- Earlier the seers were seven - Marichi, Atri, Angiras, Pulastya, Pulah, Kratu and Vashishtha of the great splendor, thus, in Moksha Dharma and in Puraanaas. Among the four yugas, the first were Svayambhu and others. From them are born these creatures, therefore the reference इमा प्रजा: is not for the future creatures to be born. This is proper interpretation. These four yugas are mentioned as the primary ones. “Those who know Svayambhu, Svarochita, Raivata and similarly Uttam, for them are assured good progeny...”, thus even in Gautam section. Since from the earlier Manus the subsequent are born, the earlier were the primary ones. Even though Tapasama is senior to Svarochita, his name is not mentioned here because he is one of the descents of the Lord and it would be incongruous with the statement मदभाव मनसा जात:, thus in Bhagavat Puraana. In Bhagavat Puraana all the Manus have also been enumerated. At the end (four-faced Brahma) created from his mental impulse Manus, as the progenitors. Since they (the Manus) were created without renouncing the body it was possible for them to be born as Priyavrata's sons. Both interpretations are possible to be drawn. This is proved by the use of the word पूर्वे - by Sri Krishna. मदभाव्: - from My nature., Even though they were born from Brahma's mental impulse they were integrally born of मदभाव्:.

