Bhagavad Gita -Madhvacharya 212

Bhagavad Gita -Sri Madhvacharya

(Bhashya and Tatparya Nirnaya)


Chapter 8
Aksharabrahma Yoga

11- 12 - 13. Of the Imperishable One, which the knowers of the Vedas declare, which the ascetics freed from passion enter and desiring which they lead the life of seeker of Brahman, that form, I will describe briefly. Restraining all the excesses, confining mind within the heart, concentrating the Primal Breath in the head, establishing oneself in the state of equanimity, uttering the One Word (signifying) Brahman, he who remembers Me when he departs from the body, he, verily, attains the highest goal.
Bhashya :- The noble goal is explained explaining the immutable nature of the Lord. Since the aspirants attain that form, it is said to be पदम् Since that state is reached it is designated by the root गतौ. “That supreme state which is Sri Vishnu”, thus in various scriptures. Since this state is acquired by ascetics, that state is पदम्. the state” thus in Narada Puraana.
Except through the Brahmanaadi, when the life goes over to other stages, the Jiva gets displaced without attaining deliverance. As said in Vyasa Yoga and Moksha Dharma, “When the Jiva goes through eyes, he goes to the Sun, similarly through the ears etc...”. hridi, in the heart means in Sriman Narayana. Thus, in Padma Puraana - “Attracts this world towards Yourself, therefore, You are known as the heart”. When the Primal Breath is stationed in the head, it is not possible to abide in the Heart, thus, in Vyas Yoga.“Wherever the Primal Breath abides, even there the Jiva and the Mind abide”. The one who is concentrating on equaniinity he is fully equipped for equanimity. This is the meaning:
Tatparya Nirnaya :- Brahmacharya means attuning one's mind etc. at the feet of the Lord. Singular and immutable is the supreme Brahman.

