Bhagavad Gita -Madhvacharya 209

Bhagavad Gita -Sri Madhvacharya

(Bhashya and Tatparya Nirnaya)


Chapter 8
Aksharabrahma Yoga

8.With consciousness attuned with practice to equanimity, he attains the Supreme person, the luminous, O Arjuna, without any doubt.
Bhashya :- Sri Krishna explains the method of remaining ever in that (divine) nature. अभ्यास means practice. अभ्यास is that one which leads to equanimity; therefore, it is practiced equanimity. Luminous, divine is this Purusha because he dwells in the pur, city. "He, verily, is the Purusha, dwells in this 'city' ever enveloped in entirety, never enveloped internally or externally enveloped by anything else. दिव्यम् means luminous, reveling, having its root in दिव्- to revel. Enlightening his creation and the activities therein.
Tatparya Nirnaya :- In strict meaning मदभावम् means मयि भावम् – being inclined to my nature. Therefore only when at the time of departure from the body one who becomes inclined to the divine nature - मदभावम् that one is assured of deliverance from samsaara attaining the supreme Lord. Even as one in meditation becomes inclined to the nature of the one on whom he meditates, even so at the time of departure remembering the karmas performed in primordial life he will attain the form inclined to the divine nature accordingly. However, having said „At the time of departure they come to be inclined to My nature‟ and using the adjective युक्तचेतस: - constant remembrance spiritual status is attained.

