Bhagavad Gita -Madhvacharya 18

Bhagavad Gita -Sri Madhvacharya

(Bhashya and Tatparya Nirnaya)


Chapter 2
Sankhya Yoga

13. Even as in this body, the Jiva (dehino) passes through the stages of childhood, youth and old age, even so it acquires another body. The wise, thereby, are not bewildered.
Bhashya :- The attribute of Jiva distinct (from body) is thus confirmed. But that fact itself does not make it independent. Only when the Jiva is seen passing through the stages of childhood etc. then its distinct existence stands confirmed, also when it acquires another body or due to its ability of recollecting the gross body does not have the experiences of childhood etc. as is evident when the body is dead. In the dead (body) due to the absence of the existence of Vayu and the rest, there is no further experience like „I am a human being‟ leading the body being identified with Jiva. (But) due to the existence of Vayu and the rest in the body during deep sleep, (existence of Jiva as independent of body can be surmised). Similar is the case with ego-centred Mind. It (the body) is like wood. Without accepting the supra-human source for any of the expressions, the statements regarding righteousness cannot be established for all the times to come.
Even the scriptures say so. Can also be evidenced though by direct experience (like the Vedas). Not by intellectual comprehension - because they are not from human endeavor. Neither are they capable of human effort nor of human intellect. And if they are not accepted as universal premises then there would not have been any reason for them to exist for rejecting what is un-Truth. They would not have been the basis for instruction of Righteousness. Therefore, commonly accepted principles alone constitute the premise.

