Yatharth Geeta -Swami Adgadanand 682

Yatharth Geeta -Swami Adgadanand Ji

The Sphere of Action and Its Knower

ज्योतिषामपि तज्ज्योतिस्मतस: परमुच्यते।
ज्ञानं ज्ञेयं ज्ञानगम्यं हृदि सर्वस्य विष्ठितम् ॥17॥

[ “The light among lights and said to be beyond darkness, that God, the embodiment of knowledge, worthy of being known, and attainable only through knowledge, dwells in the hearts of all.’’ ]

The awareness that comes with intuitive perception is knowledge. And by this knowledge alone can there be realization of God. He dwells in the hearts of all; the heart is his dwelling and we cannot find him if we search for him anywhere else. Therefore, it is laid down by the canon that God can be attained only through inner contemplation and conduct of yog.


References and Context