Garga Samhita 2363

Garga Samhita

Canto Four : Chapter Seven

The Story of the Ayodhya Women



Text 15 and 16

shrivatsankam ghana-shyamam
sundaram vana-malinam
pitambaram padma-netram
yajna-vatagatam harim

tam drishtva sahasotthaya
vimalah prema-vihvalah
papata caranopante
romanci san kritanjalih[1]

Seeing handsome, lotus-eyed Lord Krishna, dark as a monsoon cloud, dressed in yellow garments, decorated with a forest garland, and marked with Srivatsa, enter the place of the yaj 24, King Vimala suddenly stood up, his hands respectfully folded and the hairs of his body erect with joy. Then, overwhelmed with love, he fell at the Lord's feet.



  1. shrivatsa -with Srivatsa; ankam -mark; ghana-syamam -dark as a monsoon cloud; sundaram -handsome; vana-malinam -wearing a forest garland; pitambaram -dressed in yellow garments; padma-netram -with lotus eyes; yajna-vata -to the place of the yajna; agatam -come; harim -Lord Krishna; tam -Him; drishtva -seeing; sahasa -at once; utthaya -rising; vimalah -Vimala; prema-vihvalah -overcome with love; papata -fell down; carana-upante -at the Lord's feet; romanci -the hairs of his body erect with ecstasy; san -being so; kritanjalih -with folded hands.

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