Yatharth Geeta -Swami Adgadanand 355

Yatharth Geeta -Swami Adgadanand Ji

The Supreme God : Enjoyer of Yagya

At the beginning of the chapter Arjun raised a question about Krishn’s alternate praise of the Way of Selfless Action and the Way of Knowledge through Renunciation. He wished to know that which, according to Krishn’s considered judgement, is doubtlessly superior. Krishn told him that there is ultimate good in both. In both the worshipper has to perform the ordained act of yagya, but the Way of Selfless Action is yet superior. Without such action there is no end of desire, and of good and evil deeds. Renunciation is the name, not of a means, but of the goal itself. The man of renunciation is a doer of selfless action, a yogi. Godliness is his mark. He neither acts nor makes others act, and all beings are engaged in action only under the pressure of nature.


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