Srimad Bhagvata Mahapurana Book 9 Chapter 20:34-39

Book 9: Chapter 20

Srimad Bhagvata Mahapurana: Book 9: Chapter 20: Verses 34-39
The posterity of Puru and the stories of Dusvanta and Bharata

Bharata had three beloved wives, (all of them) daughters of the king of Vidarbha, O protector of men ! They disposed of their own sons for fear of being forsaken by their husband, because it was remarked (by him) that the sons were not after him. On his race being thus threatened with extinction, the Maruts (wind-gods) handed over a son, Bharadwaja by name, to the emperor, who was propitiating them through (a sacrifice known by the name of) Marutstoma. Proceeding to copulate with his brother's wife (Mamata), who was (already) pregnant, Brhaspati forcibly discharged his seed (in her womb), cursing the foetus* by which he was stopped. Addressing Mamata (as well as Brhaspati), who was inclined to abandon the child (into which the seed was immediately transformed), terribly afraid as she was of being forsaken by her husband (Utathya), the gods uttered the following couplet, explaining the etymology of the child's name (and giving utterance to a disputation between Brhaspati and Mamata):- (Says Brhaspati to Mamata): "O foolish one, nourish (Bhara) this child, born of two, (viz., my brother and myself, because begotten by me through my brother's wife)." (Mamata replied:) "O Brhaspati ! nourish this child (yourself), born (as it is) of us two (and particularly because I was forcibly impregnated by you)." Since, having spoken thus, the two (father and mother) went away (leaving the child), hence this child is (named) Bharadwaja. (Though) urged by the gods in this way (in order to absolve Mamata of guilt in the eyes of her husband and thus disarm her fear of being forsaken by her husband), Mamata (as well as Brhaspati) abandoned the son (Bharadwaja), regarding him as useless (because born of an illicit union and hence a source of infamy). The Maruts (however) brought him up and (by them) he was handed over to Bharata on the latter's line being threatened with extinction.

Thus ends the twentieth discourse in Book Nine of the great and

glorious Bhagavata-Purana, otherwise known

as the Paramahamsa-Samhita.




  1. This forcible impregnation resulted firstly in the child in the womb (named afterwards as Dirghatama) getting blind through the curse of Brhaspati and secondly in the seed discharged by the latter being kicked out by the foetus and assuming the form of a fully developed male child as soon as it dropped on the ground.

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