Gyaneshwari 770

Gyaneshwari -Sant Gyaneshwar



He may have followed all the paths of spiritual disciplines, to attain the vision of the pure Self. And lastly, after he met the preceptor, the latter may have instructed him in the knowledge of the Self, withholding nothing from him. But can a patient recover from his illness immediately after taking medicine and resume his former state? Or does it become noon immediately after sunrise? Or can one reap a harvest immediately after sowing seed in a fertile and well-watered field? All this requires time. Even if there is a straight road and a good companion, it requires time to reach the destination (996-1000).

In this way, after attaining non-attachment, he meets the preceptor and discrimination rises in his mind; then he becomes convinced through discriminating knowledge, that Brahman alone is real and that the world is an illusion. Then all activity to secure liberation comes to an end in Brahman, which is all-pervading and Supreme, and he attains the knowledge of Self, which destroys the knowing agent, the knowable object and the means of knowledge. Then there remains only the oneness of unity and whatever particle of joy he had, also gets dissolved (1001-1005).

But this union with Supreme Brahman, is attained only gradually. If a delicious meal is served to a hungry person, he attains satisfaction after taking every morsel; in the same way, the seeker attains the treasure in the form of Self, after lighting the lamp of discrimination. If the seeker wishes to attain fitness to enjoy the grandeur of self-knowledge, I shall describe to you, the stages by which he attains it (1006-1010).
