Gyaneshwari 732

Gyaneshwari -Sant Gyaneshwar



According to this knowledge, the soul dies along with its actions, at the fall of the body and there remains nothing to enjoy the fruit of the actions. Further, if God exists as a witness to one’s actions and dispenses their fruits in the form of pleasure and pain, then one should sell the God’s image and use the proceeds for one’s maintenance. If it is said, that the village deities will punish us for our actions, then why are the mountains, from whose rocks they are made, left alone (566-570)?

If it admits the existence of God, it regards the stone idol as God and the body as the Self. According to that knowledge, all ideas about merit and demerit are false and one’s good lies in indulging in sensuous pleasures and consuming all things, like fire. It is convinced that whatever is perceptible to the physical eye or whatever is pleasing to the senses, is alone real. In short, O Partha, just as the masses of smoke go up in the sky, his thoughts, which grow on these lines, are of no avail. So this tamasic knowledge is worthless and infructuous like a flimsy tree, which, whether dry or fresh, grows and breaks (571-575),

or like the ear of corn of a sugar-cane, or like an impotent person, or the grove of silk-cotton trees, or the mind of an infant or like the stolen money or the neck-nipple of a she goat.
