Gyaneshwari 63

Gyaneshwari -Sant Gyaneshwar


Sankhya and Yoga

The blessed Lord said:

55. When a person abandons all desires which enter his mind and remains satisfied in his Self alone, O Partha, then he is called a man of steady wisdom. He said: “O Arjuna, listen. This inordinate desire of the mind becomes an obstacle in the realisation of the bliss. Even a person who is happy and contented is caught in the snares of the sense-objects because of attachment. When a person rids himself permanently of this desire and remains immersed in the joy of self, he is known as a man of steady wisdom.”

56. He whose mind is unperturbed in sorrow and has no craving for pleasures, and who is free from passion, anger and fear is called a sage of steady wisdom. A person of steady wisdom is not disturbed when assailed by misery, nor is he frustrated by blind hope of happiness. He is not easily affected by desire and anger, and since he has become perfect, he does not know fear (291-295).

When a person becomes free from limiting conditions and distinctions, he should be known as a man of steady wisdom.

57. He who has no attachment and who, meeting with good or evil, does not welcome the one or hate the other, his wisdom is well-poised. He is the same to everybody like the full moon, which gives light without distinguishing between the good and the wicked. In this equal treatment and compassion to all creatures, his mind undergoes no alteration at any time. He does not become elated if he gains something good nor does he become dejected if he comes by something bad. Know that person to be a man of steady wisdom, who is full of the knowledge of the Self and feels neither joy nor sorrow (296-300).
