Gyaneshwari 629

Gyaneshwari -Sant Gyaneshwar


The Divine and Demoniacal Natures

8. They assert that the universe is godless, without truth and without moral foundation. It is born from the mutual union (of man and woman) - what else? It is caused by passion. People believe (they say) that this world has existed from time without beginning and that God is its controller and ruler. There the Vedas hold a court and decide what is just and what is unjust (291-295).

Those who are adjudged immoral receive the punishment of life in hell and those who are adjudged as moral, dwell happily in heaven. They say that this governance of the world, which has come from eternity, is all false. (They further say that) those who are crazy about sacrifice are deceived by it. Those who are mad after deities, are misled by idol-worship and the yogis who wear ochre-coloured robes, are duped by the illusion of samadhi (abstract meditation). They contend that whatever one can secure through one’s ability one should enjoy it; is there, they argue any good other than this? They further argue as follows: it is sin not to have the stamina to gather objects of sense-enjoyment and not enjoy them on account of one’s physical disability (296-300).
