Gyaneshwari 38

Gyaneshwari -Sant Gyaneshwar


Sankhya and Yoga

The blessed Lord said: 11. You grieve and yet spout words of wisdom. Neither for the dead nor for the living the wise men grieve. Then he said to Arjuna: I am really surprised by what you propose to do in the midst of war. You call yourself clever, but you are not conscious of your ignorance. Well, if I wish to enlighten you, you raise various moral issues. When a person blind from birth becomes mad, he runs helter-skelter; your cleverness seems to me like that. You are ignorant of your Self and grieve for the Kauravas. This is what amazes me over and over again. Tell me, O Arjuna, do you support these three worlds? Do you think that this beginningless creation of the world is untrue (91-95)?

When we talk of God as the originator of all creatures in the world, is it a mere empty talk? Is it the case that you have created birth and death and the Kauravas will meet death only if you kill them? Or tell me, if you, deluded by egoism, refuse to slay them, will they live in eternity? Do not delude yourself that you are the one who kills, and they are the ones to get killed. All these things happen as ordained from time without beginning. Why should you then grieve over it without reason (96-100)?

Not knowing this, you think the unthinkable out of folly and on top of it profess to give us lessons in morality. The discriminating do not grieve over birth and death, as all our thinking about them is due to delusion.
