Gyaneshwari 333

Gyaneshwari -Sant Gyaneshwar


The Universal Form

4. If you think it possible, O Lord, for me to see then reveal to me, O Lord of Yoga, your imperishable Self. But, O Lord, I have another doubt. I do not know whether I possess the capacity to see your universal form. If you ask me why I do not know it, can a diseased person diagnose his own illness (86-90)?

And, O God, when desire becomes strong, a man forgets his ability or a person who is thirsty, thinks that even the sea is not enough to quench his thirst. I am not stupefied by my intense longing and so do not know my limitations. Only a mother knows the ability of its child and so, O scorcher of the foes, you should judge my worthiness and show me your universal form. But show me this grace only if I am worthy of it; if not, decline it. O Lord, how can one please a deaf person by singing to him a melody consisting of the fifth note? Neither the cloud sends rain to satisfy the thirst of the chataka bird, but does it not while doing so pour it for the rest of the world? But if that rain falls on a rock, it runs to waste (91-95).
