Gita Rahasya -Tilak 723

Srimad Bhagavadgita-Rahasya OR Karma-Yoga-Sastra -Bal Gangadhar Tilak


तस्मादसक्त: सततं कार्यं कर्म समाचार ।
असक्तो ह्राचरन्कर्म परमाप्नोति पुरुष: ॥19॥

Translation:-(19) tasmat, (that is, because the Jnanin does not in this way set store by anything in this world), you too do not have any Attachment (to the Fruit), but perform (your) duty; because, the man who performs Action, having given up Attachment, attains the highest (state).

Description:- [As commentators have very much distorted the meaning of these three stanzas[1], I will first explain their plain meaning. These three stanzas form really speaking only one sentence, in the shape of a reason and an inference. Out of these, the 17th and 18th stanzas first show the reasons generally given for the Jnanin not performing Action; and the inference drawn by the Gita is stated in the 19th stanza, which starts with the word 'tasmat' (that is, 'therefore '), which shows the inference. It has been clearly stated in the 4th and 5th stanzas in the beginning of this chapter, that the Actions of sleeping, sitting, getting up, nay, of existing itself etc., cannot be given up in this world, even if one wants to do so; and that, therefore, 'naiskarmya' is not achieved by giving up Action, nor is such Renunciation of Action any means for attaining Perfection[2]. But the argument advanced against this point of view by the School of Renunciation is: "It is not that we give up Action in order to obtain Perfection. Whatever anybody does in this world, he does it either for his own gain or for the gain of another. But the highest ideal of every man, namely, the Siddhavastha. (State of Perfection), or Moksa (Release), is attained by a Jnanin as a result of Knowledge ; and therefore, as there does not remain anymore anything else, which" he has to acquire[3], it is all the same to him. whether he performs a particular Action or does not perform it. Very' well, if it is said that he must perform such Action for the benefit of other people, then he has nothing to do with other people[4]. Then, why should he perform Action at all?”


References And Context

  1. 17 to 19
  2. siddhi
  3. stanza 17
  4. stanza 18

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