Gita Govinda -Jayadeva 305

Gita Govinda -Shri Jayadeva Gosvami

Act Seven : nägara näräyaëaù

The Dextrous Divinity

Scene Sixteen : Song 16 : Verse 32


sphuöati na sä manasija-viçikhena
sakhi! yä ramitä


“The terrible arrows of Kandarpa can never pierce that beautiful woman who has been enjoyed by Vanamälé Kṛṣṇa. His charming face resembles a fully blossomed lotus flower.”

Alternatively, “That gopé cannot enjoy amorous pastimes with Kṛṣṇa because he is in a joking mood, unconcerned with the sensual arts. Is she not pierced by the terrible arrows of käma? She certainly is.”


References and Context