Gita Govinda -Jayadeva 266

Gita Govinda -Shri Jayadeva Gosvami

Act Seven : nägara näräyaëaù

The Dextrous Divinity

Scene Thirteen : Song 13 : Verse 7


ahaha kalayämi valayädi-maëi-bhüñaëam
hari-viraha-dahana-vahanena bahu-düñaëam
yämi he! kam iha


“Alas, alas! All my jewel-encrusted bangles and other ornaments are inflaming the fire of separation and inflicting unlimited misery. Therefore they also seem to be guilty.”


“Oh, sakhi! You have played a big trick on me. I have adorned my body with so many ornaments and decorated myself with flowers, freshly sprouted leaves and jewels. But they all seem to burn my body like flames in the tortuous fire of unfulfilled sensual desires in the absence of Hari. Now these ornaments are no longer ornaments. They have become curses, because the beauty and attire of a woman in love have but one fruit – her lover’s glance. Alternatively, the value of ornaments is only realized when someone looks at you with love. Therefore these ornaments are not dear to me. Rather, they seem to beconspiring against me.”


References and Context