Gita Govinda -Jayadeva 262

Gita Govinda -Shri Jayadeva Gosvami

Act Seven : nägara näräyaëaù

The Dextrous Divinity

Scene Thirteen : Song 13 : Verse 4


yad-anugamanäya niçi gahanam api çélitam
tena mama hådayam idam asamaçara-kélitam
yämi he! kam iha


“Alas! That very person, in pursuance of whom I have even entered this wild forest on such a dark night, is piercing my heart with arrows of sensuality. To whom may I turn for shelter?”


Shri Rädhä says, “He whom I came to meet in this lonely, secluded jungle has driven the stake of lust into my heart, or a seed incantation (béja-mantra) of käma has bound me with such a mystical spell that I do not have a position in any sphere.”

The word api (even) implies, “I had never done such a thing before.”


References and Context