Gita Bhashya -Sankara 586

Shri Sankara's Gita Bhashya

(Sri Sankaracharya's Commentary on the Gita)




Yathā prakāśayatyekah krtsnam lokam-imam ravih
Ksetram ksetrī tathā krtsnam prakāśayati Bhārata

33. As the one Sun illumines this entire world, so does he who abides in the ksetra, O Bhārata, illumine the whole ksetra.

O Bhārata, as the one Sun, (called) Savitā, (and) Āditya(mcaning, respectively, "generator" and "son of Aditi"), illumines, makes manifest, this entire world, so, in the same manner, does He who abides in the ksetra. the Supreme Self, who is the One, illumine the whole ksetra, the entire field, from the great Elements down to fortitude[2].

The analogy of the Sun applies to the Self in two senses: like the (one) Sun, (reflected in the various reservoirs), the Self is one in all bodies; and (like the Sun) He is untainted.

The following verse proceeds to conclude the teaching of the whole chapter:


References and Context

  1. The Lord now states the reason, that, being the cogniser, the Self cannot have the attributes of the cognised. (A)
  2. XIII-5, 6